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IPA und Lautschrift
IPA : fɪˈlɒləʤɪ
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Lautschrift von philology


Bedeutungen für philology

It refers to a branch of study that involves structure, historical development, and relationships of languages.

Synonyme für philology

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Beispiele für in einem Satz

Scarcely any member of the Arabian circle of the sciences, including theology, philology, mathematics, astronomy, physics and music, was left untouched by the treatises of Avicenna, many of which probably varied little, except in being commissioned by a different patron and having a different form o
On the whole, greater weight is due to the evidence from botanical sources than to that derived from philology, particularly since the discovery both of the wild almond and of a form like a wild peach in Afghanistan.

Übersetzungen von philology

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