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IPA und Lautschrift
IPA : ɪntɪˈmeɪʃn
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in-tuh-mey-shuh n
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Macgillivray himself it was, apparently, who first detected the essential difference of the organs of voice presented by some of the New-World Passerines (subsequently known as Clarnatores), and the earliest intimation of this seems to be given in his anatomical description of the Arkansas Flycatche
Intimation of the last-named censure may occasionally (but very rarely) be given by authority of a presbytery in a public and solemn manner, according to the following formula: - Whereas thou N.
At this juncture the emperor of Austria invited Victor Emmanuel to visit the Vienna Exhibition, and the Italian government received a confidential intimation that acceptance of the invitation to Vienna would be followed by a further invitation from Berlin.
He states that Gould suspected the alliance of these two forms from external structure and habits alone ; otherwise one might suppose that he had obtained an intimation to that effect on one of his Continental journeys.
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