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IPA und Lautschrift
IPA : æmjʊˈnɪʃn ˌæmjʊˈnɪʃn
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Lautschrift von ammunition

am-yuh-nish-uh n

Bedeutungen für ammunition

It refers to any particles that are shot, dispersed, dropped, or blown up by a weapon or weapon scheme.
projectiles to be fired from a gun
information that can be used to attack or defend a claim or argument or viewpoint
any nuclear or chemical or biological material that can be used as a weapon of mass destruction

Synonyme für ammunition

Erfahren Sie mehr über das Wort "ammunition" , seine Herkunft, alternative Formen und Verwendung aus Wiktionary.

Beispiele für in einem Satz

US Resupplying Israel with Ammunition Even after Condemning Shelling of ...
On Prayer, a Stubborn Ego, Ammunition and Peace
The exports are chiefly coffee, hides, ivory (all from Abyssinia), gum, mother-of-pearl and a little gold; the imports cotton and other European stuffs, cereals, beverages, tobacco and arms and ammunition for the Abyssinians.
The national troops were well armed with Remington rifles, provided with abundant ammunition, equipped with artillery and supported by the fleet.
his admission provided ammunition for his critics

Übersetzungen von ammunition

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Antonyme für ammunition

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