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will act

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will act

Beispiele für in einem Satz

U.S. says it will act on any N. Korean missile test
EU will act as one over U.S tariffs on France - Commission
France will act in concert with India to ensure a free, open and secure Indo-Pacific region
Huawei ban will act as ‘5G tax’ on Australians
Bennett warns IDF will act against Gazan terror groups at right time

Übersetzungen von will act

Trending Nachrichten auf will act

Huawei ban will act as ‘5G tax’ on Australians
Excluding Huawei from Australia’s 5G roll-out will act as a ‘5G tax’ on citizens and increase the cost of deploying the technology by between $700 million and $2.1 billion, the networking gi..Artikel anzeigen
Bennett warns IDF will act against Gazan terror groups at right time
Israel’s Defense Minister Naftali Bennett warned terror groups in the Gaza Strip that the IDF will act at the right time in the blockaded coastal enclave during a ...
jpost.com jpost.com
France will act in concert with India to ensure a free, open and secure Indo-Pacific region
Connectivity must be economically sustainable and respect the sovereignty of states. We act on these three pillars and want to act with India. We have a joint Indo-French strategic vision on..Artikel anzeigen
image-unavailable timesofindia.indiatimes.com
EU will act as one over U.S tariffs on France - Commission
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union will act as one over planned U.S. tariffs on French goods and believes the World Trade Organization is the best way to settle such disputes, the Europ..Artikel anzeigen
image-unavailable Reuters
U.S. says it will act on any N. Korean missile test
The United States would be very disappointed if North Korea tested a long-range or nuclear missile and would take appropriate action as a leading military and economic power, White House nat..Artikel anzeigen
Reuters Reuters

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loo - uhs a - guh - see
loos - uhs a - guha - seee
loors - uhs a - guha - seeea
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