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Aussprache-auf tardily mit 1 audio-Aussprachen
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IPA und Lautschrift
IPA : ˈtɑːdɪlɪ
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Bedeutungen für tardily

A famous song in the album "Tardily" was sung by Table and released in 2018.

Synonyme für tardily

Erfahren Sie mehr über das Wort "tardily" , seine Herkunft, alternative Formen und Verwendung aus Wiktionary.

Beispiele für in einem Satz

A serious Bulgarian insurrection in Macedonia in the autumn of 1903 induced Austria and Russia to combine in formulating the Miirzsteg reform programme, tardily consented to by Turkey, by which Austrian and Russian civil agents were appointed to exercise a certain degree of control and supervision o
Bismuth combines directly with the halogens, and the elements of the sulphur group. It readily dissolves in nitric acid, aqua regia, and hot sulphuric acid, but tardily in hot hydrochloric acid.

Übersetzungen von tardily

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Antonyme für tardily

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