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IPA und Lautschrift
IPA : ˈsʌlən
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sullen silence
sullen expression

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Beispiele für in einem Satz

Martha sat at her cereal bowl—oatmeal, an unseasonable but favorite treat—eating slowly, red-eyed and sullen, her new suitcase next to her chair.
Diwali fails to revive India's sullen animal spirits
A Winged Victory For The Sullen: “There should be space to be inside the music, with thoughts and emotions” – Interview
A Winged Victory for the Sullen share snippet of new track “Our Lord Debussy” on Spotify playlist
Heart-breaking photo shows sullen Staffie-cross stray who boarded bus alone with nowhere to go
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Übersetzungen von sullen

Trending Nachrichten auf sullen

Diwali fails to revive India's sullen animal spirits
India’s peak festival season did little to lift economic activity last month, suggesting growth is in for yet another quarter of slowdown. The dial on a gauge measuring activity in October r..Artikel anzeigen
Mint Mint
A Winged Victory For The Sullen: “There should be space to be inside the music, with thoughts and emotions” – Interview
Dustin O’Halloran and Adam Wiltzie have gathered with musicOMH via Skype to discuss the pair’s fifth album release as A Winged Victory For The Sullen. Their collaboration started as an exper..Artikel anzeigen
image-unavailable musicOMH
A Winged Victory for the Sullen share snippet of new track “Our Lord Debussy” on Spotify playlist
A Winged Victory for the Sullen have updated their Spotify playlist, A Playlist For The Sullen, with a snippet of new track "Our Lord Debussy" from their forthcoming album The Undivided Five..Artikel anzeigen
thelineofbestfit.com thelineofbestfit.com
Heart-breaking photo shows sullen Staffie-cross stray who boarded bus alone with nowhere to go
A dog which boarded a bus without an owner has been put into kennels after no one came forward to claim her. The Staffie-cross stray boarded a First Bus in Bierley that was heading toward Br..Artikel anzeigen
dailymail.co.uk dailymail.co.uk
Diwali fails to revive sullen animal spirits; another quarter of slowdown likely
India’s peak festival season did little to lift economic activity last month, suggesting growth is in for yet another quarter of slowdown. India’s peak festival season did little to lift eco..Artikel anzeigen
image-unavailable The Financial Express
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