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IPA : ˈstedɪnəs
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Bedeutungen für steadiness

the quality of being steady--regular and unvarying

Synonyme für steadiness

Antonyme für steadiness

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Beispiele für in einem Satz

One drawback to this form of instrument is that the two webs cannot be viewed simultaneously, and therefore the observer must rely on the steadiness of rate of the clockwork and uniformity in the conditions of refraction whilst the eye is moved from one eyepiece to the other.
Great steadiness of card under severe shocks and vibrations, combined with a minimum of friction in the cap and pivot, is obtained with this compass.
It maybe assumed as desirable that the demand for cotton should be so spread as to keep its price as steady as possible - steadiness will be defined more exactly later - and that to this end it is essential that specialists should devote themselves to the task of spreading it.

Übersetzungen von steadiness

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