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Roman Catholicism

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Lautschrift von Roman Catholicism

Ro-man Cath-oli-cism
Ro-man Catholi-cism

Bedeutungen für Roman Catholicism

It is the oldest and largest church associated with Christianity that was led by the pope and more than 1 million Catholics worldwide.

Synonyme für Roman Catholicism

Beispiele für in einem Satz

The conflict assumed the character of a struggle between Protestantism and Roman Catholicism, in which Philip appeared as the champion of the Church.
Rick Warren on Roman Catholicism: 'We have more in common than what divides us'
Before Mass, the faithful draped in gleaming headdresses and silk garments turned to welcome an ancient symbol of their modern faith: the bones of three saints who sacrificed their lives for their religion, cementing Roman Catholicism in Vietnam
Practitioners of Roman Catholicism select Sundays as occasions to dignify the divine and give thanks for their blessings

Übersetzungen von Roman Catholicism

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Antonyme für Roman Catholicism

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