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Lernen, wie man aussprechen packaging


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IPA und Lautschrift
IPA : ˈpækɪʤɪŋ
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Bedeutungen für packaging

It is a way of packing the products protectively by wrapping them to avoid damages.
protective packaging
material used to make packages
the business of packaging,a message issued in behalf of some product or cause or idea or person or institution

Synonyme für packaging

Erfahren Sie mehr über das Wort "packaging" , seine Herkunft, alternative Formen und Verwendung aus Wiktionary.

Beispiele für in einem Satz

Australian opposition may oppose plain packaging on cigarettes
Hören Sie Australian opposition may oppose plain packaging on cigarettes Aussprache
2008 Taste of Taiwan Cuisine features three shows for food and packaging industries
Hören Sie 2008 Taste of Taiwan Cuisine features three shows for food and packaging industries Aussprache
Swedish packaging company transfers production lines to Romania
Hören Sie Swedish packaging company transfers production lines to Romania Aussprache
packaging for transport
Using Quilt Packaging to Boost System
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Übersetzungen von packaging

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Antonyme für packaging

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