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on trial

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IPA und Lautschrift
IPA : ɒn ˈtraɪəl
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Synonyme für on trial

Beispiele für in einem Satz

Former Illinois governor Blagojevich asks US Supreme Court to delay corruption trial, prosecutors to respond by Friday
Hören Sie Former Illinois governor Blagojevich asks US Supreme Court to delay corruption trial, prosecutors to respond by Friday Aussprache
'Carlos the Jackal' on trial for third life sentence
Hören Sie 'Carlos the Jackal' on trial for third life sentence Aussprache
US Supreme Court rejects Blagojevich motion to delay Illinois corruption trial
Hören Sie US Supreme Court rejects Blagojevich motion to delay Illinois corruption trial Aussprache
Blagojevich defense team wants to restart jury selection in Illinois corruption trial
Hören Sie Blagojevich defense team wants to restart jury selection in Illinois corruption trial Aussprache

Übersetzungen von on trial

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Lautschrift von on trial
Antonyme für on trial

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west key-loh-na
vest keh-loh-nuh
wast kii-lov-nav
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