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Lernen, wie man aussprechen obligatory


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IPA und Lautschrift
IPA : əbˈlɪgət(ə)rɪ
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Lautschrift von obligatory


Bedeutungen für obligatory

obligatory condition
obligatory military service
obligatory reinsurance

Synonyme für obligatory

Antonyme für obligatory

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Beispiele für in einem Satz

Canadian Liberal MP expelled from caucus for supporting Conservative budget
Hören Sie Canadian Liberal MP expelled from caucus for supporting Conservative budget Aussprache
Immediate life insurance website launched, first in world
Hören Sie Immediate life insurance website launched, first in world Aussprache
Police Headquarters was located in the center of town between the City Hall and the library, across from a well-kept park that contained the obligatory statue of a civil war hero.
Now military service is obligatory for all Peruvians between the ages of 19 and 50, who are divided into four classes, first and second reserves (19 to 30, and 30 to 35 years), supernumeraries (those who have purchased exemption from service in the regular army), and the national guard (35 to 50 yea
Schedules were exchanged until a free weekend opened up, after our obligatory trip to Iowa and Betsy's parents.
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Übersetzungen von obligatory

Welches ist die genaue Aussprache des Namens Ptolemy?

taws - lsuh - mese
taw - luh - mee
taqw - luwh - mqee
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