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Bedeutungen für Newmarket

Newmarket is a town and regional seat of the Regional Municipality of York in Canada that has a minimal population.

Synonyme für Newmarket

Wiki-Inhalt für Newmarket

Newmarket - Newmarket may refer to:
Newmarket, Ontario - Newmarket (2016 population 84,224) is a town and regional seat of the Regional Municipality of York in the Canadian province of Ontario.
Newmarket, Suffolk - Newmarket is a market town in the English county of Suffolk, approximately 65 miles (105 kilometres) north of London.
Newmarket Canal - The Newmarket Canal, officially known but rarely referred to as the Holland River Division, is an abandoned barge canal project in Newmarket, Ontario.
Newmarket, New Zealand - Newmarket is an Auckland suburb to the south-east of the central business district. With its high building density, especially of retail shops, it is considered New Zealand's premier retailin
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Beispiele für in einem Satz

Ontario Votes 2007: Interview with Family Coalition Party candidate Tad Brudzinski, Newmarket-Aurora
Hören Sie Ontario Votes 2007: Interview with Family Coalition Party candidate Tad Brudzinski, Newmarket-Aurora Aussprache

Übersetzungen von Newmarket

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