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IPA : mɒˈlʌskə
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Bedeutungen für Mollusca

It is the second-largest phylum of invertebrates similar to a snail.
gastropods; bivalves; cephalopods; chitons

Synonyme für Mollusca

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Beispiele für in einem Satz

Radular force performance of stylommatophoran gastropods (Mollusca) with distinct body masses
Hören Sie Radular force performance of stylommatophoran gastropods (Mollusca) with distinct body masses Aussprache
Mollusca collections
Hören Sie Mollusca collections Aussprache
Feeding experiments on Vittina turrita (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Neritidae) reveal tooth contact areas and bent radular shape during foraging
Hören Sie Feeding experiments on Vittina turrita (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Neritidae) reveal tooth contact areas and bent radular shape during foraging Aussprache

Übersetzungen von Mollusca

Trending Nachrichten auf Mollusca

Feeding experiments on Vittina turrita (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Neritidae) reveal tooth contact areas and bent radular shape during foraging
Hören Sie Feeding experiments on Vittina turrita (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Neritidae) reveal tooth contact areas and bent radular shape during foraging Aussprache
The radula is the food gathering and processing structure and one important autapomorphy of the Mollusca. It is composed of a chitinous membrane with small, embedded teeth representing the ...Artikel anzeigen
image-unavailable Nature
Mollusca collections
Hören Sie Mollusca collections Aussprache
The Mollusca collection is one of the most comprehensive and significant in the world, constantly in demand by the malacological research community. The type collection is the most scientifi..Artikel anzeigen
image-unavailable Natural History Museum%2c London
Radular force performance of stylommatophoran gastropods (Mollusca) with distinct body masses
Hören Sie Radular force performance of stylommatophoran gastropods (Mollusca) with distinct body masses Aussprache
The typical force exerted by feeding organs is a useful parameter indicating specializations to distinct food types, as it correlates with the food spectrum (see e.g. 1; for a review for str..Artikel anzeigen
Nature Nature

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