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materia medica

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Lautschrift von materia medica

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Bedeutungen für materia medica

This is a book on medical practices written by William Boericke, published in the year 1901.

Synonyme für materia medica

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Wiki-Inhalt für materia medica

Beispiele für in einem Satz

As a medicinal agent the bamboo is entirely inert, and it has never been received into the European materia medica.
131-200), who was learned in surgery, pharmacy and materia medica, added about 200 more plants to those described by Dioscorides.
The materia medica of the Chinese at the present date affords an excellent illustration of the changes that have taken place in the use of drugs, and of the theories and superstitions that have guided the selection of these from the earliest ages, inasmuch as it still comprises articles that were fo

Übersetzungen von materia medica

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