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IPA und Lautschrift
IPA : ˈmeɪgəs
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Lautschrift von magus

mey-guh s

Bedeutungen für magus

a magician or sorcerer of ancient times
adoration of the magi
a member of the Zoroastrian priesthood of the ancient Persians

Synonyme für magus

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Beispiele für in einem Satz

Secrets of the Magus
It does not identify Paul with Simon Magus, but it serves to reveal an animus which would render the identification easy.
Confirmation of such a date is afforded by the silence of the Syrian Didascalia, itself perhaps dating from about 250, as to any visit of Simon Magus to Caesarea, in contrast to the reference in its later form, the Apostolical Constitutions (c. 350-400), which is plainly coloured (vi.

Übersetzungen von magus

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Antonyme für magus

Wie man Mount Pinatubo ausspricht?

mawnt pee-nuh-too-boh
mavnt pe-nuhh-to-bohh
mawnd pii-nuh-doo-poh
Frage deine Freunde