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Lautschrift von Leaven

lev-uh n

Bedeutungen für Leaven

It is a unisex name that is of Hebrew origin.

Synonyme für Leaven

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Wiki-Inhalt für Leaven

Leavening agent - A leaven , often called a leavening agent (and also known as a raising agent), is any one of a number of substances used in doughs and batters that cause a foaming action (gas bubbles) that
Leavenworth, Kansas - Leavenworth is the county seat and largest city of Leavenworth County, Kansas, United States and is part of the Kansas City metropolitan area.
Leavenworth, Washington - Leavenworth is a city in Chelan County, Washington, United States. It is part of the Wenatchee−East Wenatchee Metropolitan Statistical Area.
Leavenworth County, Kansas - Leavenworth County (county code LV) is a county located in the U.S. state of Kansas and is part of the Kansas City metropolitan area.
Leavenworth, Indiana - Leavenworth is a town in Jennings Township, Crawford County, Indiana, along the Ohio River. The 2010 US Census recorded a population of 238 persons.
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Beispiele für in einem Satz

The Leaven of J.D. Greear - Word&Way
Hören Sie The Leaven of J.D. Greear - Word&Way Aussprache
leaven Archives - Word&Way
Hören Sie leaven Archives - Word&Way Aussprache
Kids with The Leaven shower police, fire, healthcare ...
Hören Sie Kids with The Leaven shower police, fire, healthcare ... Aussprache
The avoidance of wine, therefore, by Rechabites, Nazirites, Arab dervishes and Pythagoreans, and also of leaven in bread, is parallel to and explicable in the same way as abstention from flesh.
unleavened bread
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Übersetzungen von Leaven

Trending Nachrichten auf Leaven

Leavenly Goods Tasting at Home | Vancouver Foodster
Hören Sie Leavenly Goods Tasting at Home | Vancouver Foodster Aussprache
I tried several of items from her baked goods collection including: Chocolate Walnut Babka was delicious with a beautiful layered swirl of chocolate and walnuts throughout this cakey bread...Artikel anzeigen
Vancouver Vancouver
Kids with The Leaven shower police, fire, healthcare ...
Hören Sie Kids with The Leaven shower police, fire, healthcare ... Aussprache
As the saying goes, not all heroes wear capes. Such was the case Tuesday as police officers, firefighters, military personnel and healthcare workers were heralded at the annual Heroes of the..Artikel anzeigen
leaven Archives - Word&Way
Hören Sie leaven Archives - Word&Way Aussprache
Editor Brian Kaylor reacts to comments by Southern Baptist Convention President J.D. Greear, who on Monday attacked those in Southern Baptist life spreading “misunderstandings, distortion, a..Artikel anzeigen
wordandway.org wordandway.org
The Leaven of J.D. Greear - Word&Way
Hören Sie The Leaven of J.D. Greear - Word&Way Aussprache
Editor Brian Kaylor reacts to comments by Southern Baptist Convention President J.D. Greear, who on Monday attacked those in Southern Baptist life spreading “misunderstandings, distortion, a..Artikel anzeigen
wordandway.org wordandway.org

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Antonyme für Leaven

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cho-ne boo-ree
chone boor-ee
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