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Aussprache-auf Katar mit 2 audio-Aussprachen
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IPA und Lautschrift
IPA : ˈkɑːtɑː
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Bedeutungen für Katar

It is a type of push dagger that has a sharp H-shaped horizontal hand grip. It is commonly used in the Indian subcontinent.

Synonyme für Katar

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Beispiele für in einem Satz

Introducing the KATAR PRO WIRELESS Gaming Mouse from CORSAIR
Hören Sie Introducing the KATAR PRO WIRELESS Gaming Mouse from CORSAIR Aussprache
Tedd Josiah's emotional letter to late wife, Reginah Katar
Hören Sie Tedd Josiah's emotional letter to late wife, Reginah Katar Aussprache
Katar Pin Code
Hören Sie Katar Pin Code Aussprache

Übersetzungen von Katar

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Katar Pin Code
Hören Sie Katar Pin Code Aussprache
India has 29 states with at least 720 districts comprising of approximately 6 lakh villages, and over 8200 cities and towns. Indian postal department has allotted a unique postal code of pin..Artikel anzeigen
image-unavailable India TV
Tedd Josiah's emotional letter to late wife, Reginah Katar
Hören Sie Tedd Josiah's emotional letter to late wife, Reginah Katar Aussprache
When Regina Katar, the wife to legendary producer Tedd Josiah, died after a short illness in October 2017, leaving behind a three-month-old daughter, Jameela Wendo alias Jay Jay, every word..Artikel anzeigen
image-unavailable The Standard Digital
Introducing the KATAR PRO WIRELESS Gaming Mouse from CORSAIR
Hören Sie Introducing the KATAR PRO WIRELESS Gaming Mouse from CORSAIR Aussprache
CORSAIR®, a world leader in high-performance gaming peripherals and enthusiast components, today announced the launch of the KATAR PRO WIRELESS Gaming Mouse powered by SLIPSTREAM WIRELESS te..Artikel anzeigen
image-unavailable Hexus

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