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Lautschrift von husbandman
Bedeutungen für husbandman
It is a term, that refers to a person who cultivates the land.
Synonyme für husbandman
Beispiele für in einem Satz
In 1757 Maxwell issued another work entitled The Practical Husbandman; being a collection of Miscellaneous papers on Husbandry, F&'c. In it the greater part of the Select Transactions is republished, with a number of new papers, among which an Essay on the Husbandry of Scotland, with a proposal for
Landowners frequently cultivated their land themselves but might employ a husbandman or let it.
The very laws which were made during successive reigns for protecting the tillers of the soil from spoil are the best proofs of the deplorable state of the husbandman.' In the r7th century those laws were made which paved the way for an improved system of agriculture in Scotland.
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