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IPA und Lautschrift
IPA : ˈhɪlək
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Lautschrift von hillock

hil-uh k

Bedeutungen für hillock

Refers to anything that has its value increasing.

Synonyme für hillock

Antonyme für hillock

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Beispiele für in einem Satz

Dr. Robert Hillock
Beautiful Son Hillock in Can Tho city
CORE architecture plants a tropical garden on a concrete hillock in this energy-efficient office building, india
Son Hillock
Penang cops probe clearing of hillock
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Trending Nachrichten auf hillock

Penang cops probe clearing of hillock
GEORGE TOWN: Police are investigating the clearing of a 120m high hilllock at a granite quarry in Teluk Bahang, the Penang Island City Council (MBPP) said today, amid an outcry from environm..Artikel anzeigen
Son Hillock
In recent years, Son Hillock has become a new attractive destination in the Mekong River Delta city of Can Tho, where visitors can make folk cakes, watch mullet fishes leaping and enjoy fres..Artikel anzeigen
image-unavailable Vietnamnet
CORE architecture plants a tropical garden on a concrete hillock in this energy-efficient office building, india
the central tropical green hillock connects the two office blocks with meandering landscaped spaces and through a slender bridge which also goes towards the elevator shaft the building is di..Artikel anzeigen
Designboom Designboom
Beautiful Son Hillock in Can Tho city
In recent years, Son Hillock has become a new attractive destination in the Mekong River Delta city of Can Tho, where visitors can make folk cakes, watch mullet fishes leaping and enjoy fres..Artikel anzeigen
image-unavailable Vietnamnet
Dr. Robert Hillock
Dr. Robert Hillock is a dentist in Paradise, California. He provides advice on proper brushing, flossing, cleaning, healthy gums, and other dental care. It's ideal to visit Dr. Hillock every..Artikel anzeigen
image-unavailable US News Health
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joo-dee dench
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