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IPA : ˈherəldrɪ
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Lautschrift von heraldry

her-uh l-dree

Bedeutungen für heraldry

It is a discipline relating to the design, display and study of armorial bearings.

Synonyme für heraldry

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Beispiele für in einem Satz

Thus the mitre over an English bishop's coat-of-arms is a survival which indicates him as the successor of bishops who actually wore mitres, while armorial bearings themselves, and the whole craft of heraldry, are survivals bearing record of a state of warfare and social order whence our present sta
A book-lover and antiquary, he made a special hobby of heraldry and genealogy.
Probably there was as much foundation for this legend as for the more rationalistic explanation of William Newton (Display of Heraldry, p. 145), that the fleur-de-lis was the figure of a reed or flag in blossom, used instead of a sceptre at the proclamation of the Frankish kings.
He frequently assisted Philip in conducting negotiations with foreign powers, and he was an arbiter in tournaments and on all questions of chivalry, where his wide knowledge of heraldry was highly useful.

Übersetzungen von heraldry

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