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IPA und Lautschrift
IPA : gælɪˈliːən
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Lautschrift von Galilean


Bedeutungen für Galilean

It refers to the region of Israel that surrounds the Sea of Galilee.
It refers to the region of Israel that surrounds the Sea of Galilee.

Synonyme für Galilean

Beispiele für in einem Satz

Before very long it developed a nationalism and patriotism as intense as that of Judaea itself, notwithstanding the contempt with which the metropolitans of Jerusalem looked down upon the Galilean provincials.
The business, the livelihood, the culture of the Galilean fisherman.
Two forms of Western Aramaic survive: the Jerusalem form of the dialect, in the Aramaic portions of Daniel and Ezra; and the Galilean, in isolated expressions in the Talmud (3rd century), and in a fragmentary 5th century translation of the Bible.

Übersetzungen von Galilean

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