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IPA : ˈfɒrɪstrɪ
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Bedeutungen für forestry

It is the science or art of developing, managing, seeding, using, preserving, and fixing woods, and associated tools for human and ecologic gain.

Synonyme für forestry

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Beispiele für in einem Satz

McCrory makes appointments to boards on forestry, medical centers, libraries ...
Oak, ash, elm, &c.; the articles FIR and Pine treat of two large groups of conifers; general information is provided by the articles Plants and Gymnosperms; tree cultivation will be found under Forests And Forestry and Horticulture; and the various types of tree whose wood is useful for practical pu
Fieldwork is carried out at Radnor Forest in Wales, where Forestry Commission research into the green spruce aphid is already established.
Marshal suSCon CR Granules Controls large pine weevil ( Hylobius abietis ) in forestry.
After referring to the effects of forests (see Forests And Forestry) on water-supply, he went on as follows: The forests alone cannot fully regulate and conserve the waters of the arid regions.

Übersetzungen von forestry

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