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Lautschrift von flashier


Bedeutungen für flashier

Flashier is a comparative adjective of flashy that refers to bright and expensive.

Synonyme für flashier

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Beispiele für in einem Satz

Flashyowing number of celebrities have wanted to look flashier.
Denton was flashier, more polished and ever the gentleman in his behavior.
BRISBANE, Australia (AP) — This weekend, the subtropical Australian city of Brisbane will emerge from the shadows of its flashier cousins Sydney and Melbourne when it welcomes leaders from the world's 20 largest economies along with thousands of delegates and journalists for a global summit
This weekend, the subtropical Australian city of Brisbane will emerge from the shadows of its flashier cousins Sydney and Melbourne when it welcomes leaders from the world's 20 largest economies along with thousands of delegates and journalists for a global summit
But this weekend in Corner Brook, spectators are looking forward to another special star in an even flashier suit
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