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Lernen, wie man aussprechen faithful


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IPA und Lautschrift
IPA : ˈfeɪθf(ə)l
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Lautschrift von faithful


Bedeutungen für faithful

a group of people who adhere to a common faith and habitually attend a given church
any loyal and steadfast following
prayers of the faithful
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faithful performance
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faithful representation
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Beispiele für in einem Satz

Church uses crop duster plane to spray holy water upon Louisiana faithful
Yellowstone sees pair of small earthquakes near Old Faithful
Faithful Flock To St. Patrick's To Celebrate Christmas
VA Tech fan Ross uses chant to connect with other Hokies faithful
Analysis: The Vatican's finance scandal, and faithful stewardship
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Übersetzungen von faithful

Trending Nachrichten auf faithful

Philippine girls may be a bit much more faithful in comparison with their particular alternative in the usa or simply europe.
they might never be the sort of duds if you’re a loser, then you definitely have actually zero company seeing a fresh Mexican females. Amazing Mexican females of most many years usually are..Artikel anzeigen
Faithful Flock To St. Patrick's To Celebrate Christmas
Thousands of worshipers gathered in peace, prayer and unity at a midnight mass led by Timothy Cardinal Dolan. CBS2's Jenna DeAngelis reports.
CBS Boston / WBZ CBS Boston / WBZ
VA Tech fan Ross uses chant to connect with other Hokies faithful
Virginia Tech fan Truman Ross recalls a trip to California where he used the Old Hokie chant to connect with fellow fans.
Analysis: The Vatican's finance scandal, and faithful stewardship
Vatican City, Dec 16, 2019 / 03:40 pm (CNA).- On Oct. 1, Vatican police raided the usually quiet offices of the Vatican’s Secretariat of State. They packed up documents, computers, and files..Artikel anzeigen
Catholic News Agency Catholic News Agency
Can religion be explained by brain wiring? The faithful say no
Is there a "God spot" in the brain that determines whether you're hardwired to be religious? New research from Rice University finds that nonbelievers are more likely than the faithful to th..Artikel anzeigen
Phys.org Phys.org
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