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Aussprache-auf elaboration mit 2 audio-Aussprachen
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IPA und Lautschrift
IPA : ɪlæbəˈreɪʃn
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Lautschrift von elaboration

ih-lab-uh-rey-shuh n

Bedeutungen für elaboration

careful elaboration
elaboration of the report
further elaboration
developing in intricate and painstaking detail
marked by elaborately complex detail
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Beispiele für in einem Satz

he described a refinement of this technique
His investigations on vinegar-making revolutionized that industry, and he showed how, instead of waiting two or three months for the elaboration of the process, the vinegar could be made in eight or ten days by exposing the vats containing the mixture of wine and vinegar to a temperature of 20 to 25

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