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Beispiele für in einem Satz

CORTLAND — The Jets drafted safety Calvin Pryor in May to dole out big hits
Drafted by a suffragette in 1923, the Equal Rights Amendment has been stirring up controversy ever since
As a means of asserting their views effectively, the citizens, irrespective of party, organized local silver clubs, and these eventually led to the formation of the Silver party of Nevada, which drafted a platform and nominated a state ticket and presidential electors who were instructed to supp
What my forefathers established at the council of Constance and other councils it is my privilege to maintain, he exclaims. Although, to Aleander's chagrin, the emperor consented to summon Luther to Worms, where he received a species of ovation, Charles readily approved the edict drafted by the p
Australian Jesse Williams drafted in fifth round by the NFL's Seattle Seahawks
Hören Sie Australian Jesse Williams drafted in fifth round by the NFL's Seattle Seahawks Aussprache

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