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IPA und Lautschrift
IPA : də(ʊ)ˈsent
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Lautschrift von Docent

doh-suh nt; German doh-tsent

Bedeutungen für Docent

It is a Scottish-originated surname that is used globally.

Synonyme für Docent

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Beispiele für in einem Satz

The Stratford Historical Society hosted a docent luncheon on Tuesday, July 1, under the copper beech tree behind the Judson House Museum to thank all those volunteers who participated in conducting the school tours during the 2013-2014 school year
After graduating in 1538 he spent twelve years as docent at the university, and having then received his doctorate of divinity, was appointed professor of divinity and pastor of the church of St Nicholas at Rostock.
In 1859 he became privat-docent in physics and chemistry at Breslau, where in the preceding year he had graduated as Ph.
In 1857 he became docent in German law at Munich university, and in 1862 professor-extraordinary, but in 1863 was called to Wiirzburg to a full professorship. In 1872 he removed to the university of Konigsberg, and in 1888 settled at Breslau, becoming rector of the university in 1895.
Docent Eye View at CCS Bard

Übersetzungen von Docent

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