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Lernen, wie man aussprechen displeasing


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IPA und Lautschrift
IPA : dɪsˈpliːzɪŋ
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Lautschrift von displeasing


Bedeutungen für displeasing

It is a verb that means upset.

Synonyme für displeasing

Antonyme für displeasing

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Beispiele für in einem Satz

By long tradition the primate was entitled to a leading position in the king's councils; and the interests of the Church demanded that Lanfranc should use his power in a manner not displeasing to the king.
Displeasepid changes of structure are highly displeasing; the effort to keep aware of them can be quite painful.
Financial considerations, lack of proper transports for an expeditionary corps, fear of displeasing France, dislike of a policy of adventure, misplaced deference towards the ambassadorial conference in Constantinople, and unwillingness to thwart the current of Italian sentiment in favor of the Egypt
English FA rescinds red cards, FIFA backlash probable
Hören Sie English FA rescinds red cards, FIFA backlash probable Aussprache

Übersetzungen von displeasing

Wie man tactile ausspricht?

Frage deine Freunde