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IPA und Lautschrift
IPA : dɪsəˈbiːdjəns
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Lautschrift von disobedience

dis-uh-bee-dee-uh ns

Bedeutungen für disobedience

It is an American drama film directed by Sebastián Lelio and was released in 2018.

Synonyme für disobedience

Antonyme für disobedience

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Beispiele für in einem Satz

The arbitrator ex compromisso sumptus had no coercive jurisdiction, and in order to make his award effective, the agreement of reference was confirmed by a stipulation and usually provided a penalty (poena, petunia compromissa) in case of disobedience.
But Bonaparte saw what they were planning; and to the rupture of the negotiations at Lille and an order for the resumption of hostilities he responded by a fresh act of disobedience and the infliction on the Directory of the peace of Campo-Formio, on October 17, 1797.
Musa, though angered by the disobedience of Tariq, hastened to the rescue and embarked in April 712 with 18,000 men, among them many noble Arabs, and began, advised by Julian, a methodical campaign, with the purpose of establishing and securing a line of communication between the sea and Toledo.
Courts in the Kingdom have so far received 199 cases of disobedience filed by fathers against their sons and 37 hindrance cases submitted by sons against their fathers since the beginning of the current year, local media reported
'Hold These Truths': Absorbing account of civil disobedience

Übersetzungen von disobedience

Welches ist die genaue Aussprache des Namens Sammy sosa?

sa-mee soh-suh
saa-me zoh-suhh
za-mii sohh-zuh
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