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IPA und Lautschrift
IPA : ˈdiːtʊə
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Lautschrift von detour

dee-too r

Bedeutungen für detour

A thriller film directed by Christopher Smith was released in the year 2016.

Synonyme für detour

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Beispiele für in einem Satz

'42-year detour' ends: Garrison Keillor homeward bound
Hören Sie '42-year detour' ends: Garrison Keillor homeward bound Aussprache
Russell Road detour on Friday, Dec. 27
'Ability-to-pay' arbitration bill takes detour to municipal group for 3 months
Kirkland Lake maintains guidance, Detour Gold exempted
Herne Bay High School children taking 'dangerous' detour after path floods
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Übersetzungen von detour

Trending Nachrichten auf detour

Uber passenger charged $990 fare after she fell asleep and driver ‘went the wrong way’ in 78km detour
She never thought it would be the most expensive ride of her life. A stunned Uber customer was charged $A990 after she fell asleep and the driver took a 79-kilometre detour. Furious Ashleigh..Artikel anzeigen
News.com.au News.com.au
'Ability-to-pay' arbitration bill takes detour to municipal group for 3 months
A bill that would add an "ability to pay" provision to binding arbitration for municipal police and firefighters will now be discussed by a municipal decision-makers committee after it didn'..Artikel anzeigen
CBC.ca CBC.ca
Kirkland Lake maintains guidance, Detour Gold exempted
(Kitco News) - Kirkland Lake (TSE:KL) announced yesterday that it will produce 950,000 to 1,000,000 ounces, unchanged from current full-year 2019 guidance. The all-in-sustaining-cost of gold..Artikel anzeigen
Business Insider Business Insider
Herne Bay High School children taking 'dangerous' detour after path floods
Daniel Apps stood over the puddle with his children Charlie and Frankie Daniel Apps, 44, says this has forced pupils from Herne Bay High School to either wade through it or take a lengthy –..Artikel anzeigen
Kent Online Kent Online
New development in Strip District forcing 30-month traffic detour
If you live or work in the Strip District you can expect even more headaches from the Riverfront Landing construction for the next two-plus years. The closure will be on Railroad Street/Wate..Artikel anzeigen
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