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IPA : dɪˈkeɪd
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Bedeutungen für decayed

It is a verb that denotes the process of slow destruction.

Synonyme für decayed

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Beispiele für in einem Satz

Sugarmaking, the distillation of rice-spirit, silk-weaving, fishing and the preparation of a fish-sauce (nuoc-mam) made from decayed fish, and the manufacture of salt from sea-water and of lime are carried on in many localities.
From a careful series of experiments made in the Horticultural Society's Garden at Chiswick, it was found that where the soil is loamy, or light and slightly enriched with decayed vegetable matter, the apple succeeds best on the doucin stock, and the pear on the quince; and where it is chalky it is
The piles of old London Bridge were of elm, and after six centuries of immersion were but little decayed.
Under the care of this decayed dominie, whom he has so affectionately recorded, he earned a few guineas - his first literary fee - by revising for the press a new edition of Paul and Virginia.
The ayuntamiento, apparently recognizing the future of Yerba Buena, granted lots there, and as the older settlements .decayed Yerba Buena throve.

Übersetzungen von decayed

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