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Aussprache-auf contradiction mit 1 audio-Aussprachen
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27 Bewertungen
IPA und Lautschrift
IPA : kɒntrəˈdɪkʃn
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Lautschrift von contradiction

kon-truh-dik-shuh n

Bedeutungen für contradiction

opposition between two conflicting forces or ideas
(logic) a statement that is necessarily false
the speech act of contradicting someone

Synonyme für contradiction

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Beispiele für in einem Satz

The contradiction is solved in a higher synthesis, which takes up into itself the two opposites.
This is important as a preliminary stage, but philosophy properly begins when it attempts to coordinate or systematize those convictions in harmony, to conciliate apparent contradiction and opposition, as between the correlative notions of finite and infinite, the apparently conflicting notions of p
How could one reconcile the seeming contradiction between everything the cult stood for and the replacement of the divinely anointed king?
the statement `he is brave and he is not brave\ is a contradiction
he spoke as if he thought his claims were immune to contradiction
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Antonyme für contradiction

Wie man Isla fisher ausspricht?

ail-uh fish-uh
ailuh fish-uh
ai-luh fish-uh
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