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36 Bewertungen
IPA und Lautschrift
IPA : kəmˈplɪsɪtɪ
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Lautschrift von complicity


Bedeutungen für complicity

guilt as an accomplice in a crime or offense

Synonyme für complicity

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Beispiele für in einem Satz

Diego Garcia: Investigation into Government complicity in CIA programme is ...
He died in Rome while the imperial commissioners were investigating the circumstances under which two important Roman personages had been seized at the Lateran, blinded and afterwards beheaded; Paschal had shielded the murderers but denied all personal complicity in their crime.
On the view taken as to his alleged complicity in the conspiracy of 1599 depends the vexed question as to whether this system was a philosophic dream, or a serious attempt to sketch a constitution for Naples in the event of her becoming a free city.
He was murdered at the bridge of Kelheim on the 15th of September 1231, and the emperor was generally suspected of complicity in the deed.

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