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commercial enterprise

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Lautschrift von commercial enterprise

com-mer-cial en-ter-prise
commercial enterprise

Bedeutungen für commercial enterprise

the activity of providing goods and services involving financial and commercial and industrial aspects
an enterprise connected with commerce

Synonyme für commercial enterprise

Beispiele für in einem Satz

computers are now widely used in business
The great Phoenician colony of Carthage, founded before 800 B.C., perpetuated the commercial enterprise of the parent state, and extended the sphere of practical trade to the ocean shores of Africa and Europe.
Many of the young men and women, who were supposed to be qualifying as specialists in the various spheres of industrial and commercial enterprise, were in reality devoting their time to considering how human society in general, and Russian society in particular, could be reconstructed in accordance
Registration requirements for trusts operating a commercial enterprise – only ...
The prosperity and great population of the Pennine region date from the discovery that pit-coal could smelt iron as well as charcoal; and this source of power once discovered, the people bred in the dales developed a remarkable genius for mechanical invention and commercial enterprise, which revolut
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Übersetzungen von commercial enterprise

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