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IPA und Lautschrift
IPA : kəmˈbʌstəblz
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Lautschrift von combustibles

kuh m-buhs-tuh-buh l

Bedeutungen für combustibles

Combustibles is a noun term that means "plastics".

Synonyme für combustibles

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Beispiele für in einem Satz

Georg Ernst Stahl, following in some measure the views held by Johann Joachim Becher, as, for instance, that all combustibles contain a sulphur (which notion is itself of older date than Becher's terra pinguis), regarded all substances as capable of resolution into two components,.
Nitrogen is a very inert gas: it will neither burn nor support the combustion of ordinary combustibles.
Comestibles, raw materials, and combustibles form the greater part of the imports, but this great manufactory also imports a considerable quantity of foreign manufactured goods.

Übersetzungen von combustibles

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