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IPA : ˈkɔɪnə
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Bedeutungen für coiner

someone who is a source of new words or new expressions
a maker of counterfeit coins
It is an English noun term that refers to a skilled worker who coins or stamps money.

Synonyme für coiner

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Wiki-Inhalt für coiner

Coiner - Coiner is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:
Coiner–Quesenbery House - The Coiner–Quesenbery House, also known as Casper Coiner House, is a historic home located at Waynesboro, Virginia.
Coiner House - Coiner House, also known as Koyner House and Koiner House, is a historic home located near Crimora, Augusta County, Virginia.
Conor McGregor - Conor Anthony McGregor (Irish: Conchúr Antóin Mac Gréagóir; born 14 July 1988) is an Irish professional mixed martial artist and boxer.
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Beispiele für in einem Satz

Coiner of 'rock star economy' stands by words
The embattled castle contains the two-handed sword of Sir Almeric Tristram, the Anglo-Norman conqueror of the hill of Howth, and a portrait of Dean Swift holding one of the Drapier letters, with Wood, the coiner against whom he directed these attacks, prostrate before him.

Übersetzungen von coiner

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