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IPA und Lautschrift
IPA : kəʊɪˈfɪʃnt
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Lautschrift von coefficient

koh-uh-fish-uh nt

Bedeutungen für coefficient

It is a mathematical noun term that means a number that is placed before another quantity and which multiplies it, for example, 3 in the quantity 3x.

Synonyme für coefficient

Erfahren Sie mehr über das Wort "coefficient" , seine Herkunft, alternative Formen und Verwendung aus Wiktionary.

Beispiele für in einem Satz

Apparent diffusion coefficient does not reflect cytotoxicedema on uninjured ...
AMES develops new Powder Metallurgy bearing design with low friction coefficient
Coefficient UEFA: gare à la chute pour les Rouches
The earliest formulation of the subject, due to Lord Kelvin, assumed that this relation was true in all cases, and, calculated in this way, the electromotive force of Daniell's cell, which happens to possess a very small temperature coefficient, was found to agree with observation.
The existence of such a relation, as 0-1+0-2+.,.+cr2=0, necessitates the vanishing of a certain function of the coefficients A2, A 3 ,...A 9, and as a consequence one product of these coefficients can be eliminated from the expanding form and no seminvariant, which appears as a coefficient to such a

Übersetzungen von coefficient

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Antonyme für coefficient

Wie man arenal volcano ausspricht?

aa-ruhh-nuhll vawll-key-nohh
a-ruh-nuhl vawl-kay-noh
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