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chop down

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Aussprache-auf chop down mit 1 audio-Aussprachen
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17 Bewertungen
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IPA : ʧɒp daʊn
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Bedeutungen für chop down

cut down

Synonyme für chop down

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Beispiele für in einem Satz

Waterfront homeowners can legally chop down trees which might be ruining a million-dollar harbour view in some of Sydney's most sought-after residential areas, under controversial new vegetation clearing laws in bushfire zones
Legal loophole allows Sydney home owners to chop down trees, adding thousands to home values
A loophole in bushfire laws allows home owners to chop down trees in a move that could potentially add $500,000 to the price of their home
Keningau: The District Council here has been urged not to chop down trees within the township as they please
A MYSTERY axeman has struck in a Darwen park, seemingly trying to chop down trees
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jaa-ve ma-te-nes
ja-vii ma-tii-nesz
ja-vee maa-tee-nez
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