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IPA und Lautschrift
IPA : ˈkɑːbən
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Lautschrift von carbon

kahr-buh n

Bedeutungen für carbon

carbon gas
an abundant nonmetallic tetravalent element occurring in three allotropic forms: amorphous carbon and graphite and diamond; occurs in all organic compounds
a thin paper coated on one side with a dark waxy substance (often containing carbon); used to transfer characters from the original to an under sheet of paper
A chemical element that is in black is also known as coal.
carbon fiber
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Synonyme für carbon

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Wiki-Inhalt für carbon

Carbon - Carbon (from Latin: carbo "coal") is a chemical element with the symbol C and atomic number 6. It is nonmetallic and tetravalent—making four electrons available to form covalent chemical bond
Carbon dioxide - Carbon dioxide (chemical formula CO2) is a colorless gas with a density about 60% higher than that of dry air.
Carbon nanotube - Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are tubes made of carbon with diameters typically measured in nanometers.
Carbon monoxide - Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless flammable gas that is slightly less dense than air.
Carbon monoxide poisoning - Carbon monoxide poisoning typically occurs from breathing in carbon monoxide (CO) at excessive levels.
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Beispiele für in einem Satz

Rocket carrying NASA carbon dioxide satellite crashes into ocean
Hören Sie Rocket carrying NASA carbon dioxide satellite crashes into ocean Aussprache
NOAA says Earth's oceans becoming more acidic
Hören Sie NOAA says Earth's oceans becoming more acidic Aussprache
Delhi earns UN carbon credits
Hören Sie Delhi earns UN carbon credits Aussprache
Two children killed by carbon monoxide poisoning in Corfu
Hören Sie Two children killed by carbon monoxide poisoning in Corfu Aussprache
Opposition Leader predicts 'people's revolt' in Australia over carbon tax
Hören Sie Opposition Leader predicts 'people's revolt' in Australia over carbon tax Aussprache
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Übersetzungen von carbon

Trending Nachrichten auf carbon

EasyJet Is the Latest Airline to Promise Carbon Offsets — but Environmentalists Say It’s All a Scam
Hören Sie EasyJet Is the Latest Airline to Promise Carbon Offsets — but Environmentalists Say It’s All a Scam Aussprache
EasyJet announced that it will become the first airline in the world to offset all its carbon emissions, starting Tuesday. Over the next fiscal year, the airline plans to spend more than $33..Artikel anzeigen
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Cement has a carbon problem. Here are some concrete solutions.
Hören Sie Cement has a carbon problem. Here are some concrete solutions. Aussprache
The biggest carbon polluters don’t always advertise that fact loudly. In fact, one of the industries with the worst climate impact is all but ignored, even though its product literally suppo..Artikel anzeigen
Grist Grist
Dirty planet but a clean conscience? The truth about airplane carbon offsetting
When European budget airline easyJet released its annual results this week, they paired the report with an announcement that from November 19, it would become the world's first airline opera..Artikel anzeigen
Carbon-Sensitive Portfolios Perform as Well as Those That Aren’t
Hören Sie Carbon-Sensitive Portfolios Perform as Well as Those That Aren’t Aussprache
S&P studied companies demonstrating three levels of carbon sensitivity and found that all three held up in terms of stock performance; furthermore, S&P says these companies are well managed...Artikel anzeigen
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Grandfather charged with murder in 4-year-old Nebraska girl's carbon monoxide death
Carbon monoxide poisoning is the apparent cause of death for a 4-year-old Nebraska girl, whose Kansas grandfather is charged with first-degree murder. The Topeka Capital-Journal on Thursday..Artikel anzeigen
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