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IPA und Lautschrift
IPA : ˈkæpʃn kæpʃn
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Lautschrift von caption

kap-shuh n

Bedeutungen für caption

taking exception; especially an quibble based on a captious argument
translation of foreign dialogue of a movie or TV program; usually displayed at the bottom of the screen
photo caption
following caption
brief description accompanying an illustration

Synonyme für caption

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Beispiele für in einem Satz

[caption id="attachment_168055" align="aligncenter" width="504"] President Benigno S
[caption id="attachment_163967" align="aligncenter" width="504"] MEN WHO MATTER Olympic skater Michael Christian Martinez; ABS-CBN news reporter Atom Araullo; chef Tony Boy Escalante; Coca-Cola FEMSA’s Juan Carlos Dominguez; Citibank CEO Batara Sianturi; athlete
(PIX11) - A selfie taken in Brazil with the caption “Steve Jobs is in Rio de Janeiro, alive,” has the Internet conspiracy mill at full tilt — thanks to a man in the background bearing an unmistakable resemblance to the Apple co-founder
For Caption Diss, the good ol' folks at SOHH are back at it giving y'all a chance to capture the final word(s)
[image position="standard large" id="537291" caption="Agalinis acuta"] Agalinis acuta , a pink wildflower that grows in the sandy grasslands of New York State, blooms for one day before withering
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