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IPA und Lautschrift
IPA : ˈkænəbɪs
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Bedeutungen für cannabis

A psychoactive drug from the Cannabis plant used primarily for medical and recreational purposes.

Synonyme für cannabis

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Beispiele für in einem Satz

Rapper Snoop Dogg arrested on cannabis charges
Hören Sie Rapper Snoop Dogg arrested on cannabis charges Aussprache
British singer George Michael, 53, dies
Hören Sie British singer George Michael, 53, dies Aussprache
Unarmed man killed by narcotics officer in The Bronx
Hören Sie Unarmed man killed by narcotics officer in The Bronx Aussprache
Study finds marijuana use leads to brain development in rats
Hören Sie Study finds marijuana use leads to brain development in rats Aussprache
Man killed in police shooting in Brooklyn, New York
Hören Sie Man killed in police shooting in Brooklyn, New York Aussprache
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Übersetzungen von cannabis

Trending Nachrichten auf cannabis

Cannabis Real Estate Lender AFC Gamma Rises 21% on First Day of Trading
Hören Sie Cannabis Real Estate Lender AFC Gamma Rises 21% on First Day of Trading Aussprache
T he world of cannabis stocks was broadened on Friday with a new arrival. AFC Gamma (Nasdaq:AFCG), a company that specializes in real estate financing for the marijuana industry, started tra..Artikel anzeigen
Nasdaq Nasdaq
Family-Run Nightshade Farm Seeks Strategic Partner As MSOs Scoop Up NY Cannabis Licenses
Hören Sie Family-Run Nightshade Farm Seeks Strategic Partner As MSOs Scoop Up NY Cannabis Licenses Aussprache
As New York gets closer to launching a recreational cannabis program, it's proving to be fertile ground for large multi-state operators (MSOs) like Curaleaf (OTCQX:CURLF), Green Thumb Indust..Artikel anzeigen
Benzinga.com Benzinga.com
Governor’s Office floats special session on cannabis bill
Hören Sie Governor’s Office floats special session on cannabis bill Aussprache
With just hours left in this year's 60-day legislative session, a high-profile proposal to legalize recreational cannabis for New Mexico adults was still in limbo at the Roundhouse. Gov. Mic..Artikel anzeigen
Albuquerque Journal Albuquerque Journal
White House Staffers Fired or Pushed to Resign over Past Cannabis Use
Hören Sie White House Staffers Fired or Pushed to Resign over Past Cannabis Use Aussprache
The news comes a month after an initial statement that indicated past cannabis use would not disqualify candidates from jobs at the White House.
High Times High Times
CORRECTION: CORRECTION: Medical cannabis studies ramp up, offering hope to some opioid users
Hören Sie CORRECTION: CORRECTION: Medical cannabis studies ramp up, offering hope to some opioid users Aussprache
For years, Tim Gresh took dozens of prescription opioid medications per day, seeking any relief for the debilitating back pain that he — no matter which medication or therapy he used — could..Artikel anzeigen
Yahoo Yahoo
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