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IPA und Lautschrift
IPA : ˈbruːdɪŋ
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Lautschrift von brooding


Bedeutungen für brooding

It is the adjective word that means the serious thoughts which make someone sad or angry.

Synonyme für brooding

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Beispiele für in einem Satz

At this time Tennyson was brooding much upon the ancient world, and reading little but Milton, Homer and Virgil.
A brooding analogy reminding us that the most dangerous politicians are not those with ambition, but those who are delusional
Pierre was beyond handsome with his brooding looks, wind-swept blond hair, black clothing, and trench coat.
That would be a description of his ego and nothing else, the brooding blond said with a light French accent.
When they all set down to supper, Brandon was still brooding.

Übersetzungen von brooding

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Antonyme für brooding

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