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IPA und Lautschrift
IPA : ˈblʌdɪd
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Lautschrift von blooded


Bedeutungen für blooded

It is an adjective that denotes a temperament of a specified kind.

Synonyme für blooded

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Beispiele für in einem Satz

Australian PM pushes for "full-blooded" nuclear energy debate
Hören Sie Australian PM pushes for "full-blooded" nuclear energy debate Aussprache
Rep. Hunter calls for hearings about alleged "cold-blooded killings" of civilians by U.S. Marines
Gregory Skomal is used to studying sharks as Massachusetts’ senior marine fisheries biologist, and he hunted the cold-blooded creatures on the first season of NBC Sports Network’s “Shark Hunters
This division of the Vertebrata into hot and cold blooded is a curiously retrograde step, only intelligible when we reflect that the excellent entomologist had no real comprehension of vertebrate morphology; but he makes some atonement for the blunder by steadily upholding the class distinctness of
I learned that lesson when Sasha tossed me in a pit with full-blooded demons and were-things.
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