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Aussprache-auf barefoot mit 2 audio-Aussprachen
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IPA und Lautschrift
IPA : ˈbeəfʊt beəˈfʊt
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Lautschrift von barefoot

bair-foo t

Bedeutungen für barefoot

This is an adverb and it means without anything on feet.

Synonyme für barefoot

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Beispiele für in einem Satz

Barefoot running trend quickly running out of steam
Watch These Lunatics Water Ski Barefoot Towed by a Freaking Aeroplane
Primary school teachers across England are being invited to learn how to explain the concept of algorithms to their classes using the Hokey Cokey and instructions for making a jam sandwich, thanks to a new series of computing workshops run by the Barefoot Computing Project
He wore silk pajama bottoms and was barefoot, his muscular upper body on display.
Three years before his death he parted with his share of the ancestral principality, and designed, when certain literary plans were completed, to give away all he had and wander barefoot through the world preaching Christ.

Übersetzungen von barefoot

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