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IPA und Lautschrift
IPA : ˈbeɪlɪf
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Lautschrift von bailiff


Bedeutungen für bailiff

It is an officer of the court who is employed to execute writs and processes and make arrests etc.

Synonyme für bailiff

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Beispiele für in einem Satz

Madison County Circuit Court bailiff faces criminal investigation
The bailiff is legally obligated to get a fair price.
Its most important early charter was that granted in 1340 by Hugh le Despenser, whereby the burgesses acquired the right to nominate persons from whom the constable of the castle should select a bailiff and other officers, two ancient fairs, held on the 29th of June and ,9th of September, were confi
The bailiff was to be chosen every year in the Moot Hall and to be assisted by fourteen principal burgesses and a recorder.
The general result has been to show that a mythological marksman and an impossible bailiff bearing the name of a real family have been joined with confused and distorted reminiscences of the events of 1245-47, in which the names of many real persons have been inserted and many unauthenticated acts a

Übersetzungen von bailiff

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