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IPA und Lautschrift
IPA : ˈɔːθəraɪzɪŋ
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Lautschrift von authorizing


Bedeutungen für authorizing

This is a word, which refers to the act of approving.

Synonyme für authorizing

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Beispiele für in einem Satz

FERC Issues Order Authorizing Disposition of Jurisdictional Facilities re KEF ...
It was largely through his efforts that the General Court in 1784 rejected the amendment to the Articles of Confederation authorizing Congress to levy a 5% impost.
On May 25 1921 the Senate had adopted an amendment of Senator Borah to the Navy bill, authorizing and inviting the President to call such a conference.
- On the 4th of July 1900, a month after the occupation of Pretoria, a commission was issued to Lord Roberts authorizing him to annex the Transvaal.
In 44, as tribune of the people, he brought forward a law authorizing Caesar to nominate the chief magistrates during his absence from Rome.

Übersetzungen von authorizing

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Antonyme für authorizing

Welches ist die genaue Aussprache des Namens Mary Pickford?

mawey -bnree - pik - fuhd
may - ree - pik - fuhd
may - reetyu - pikhj - fuhduy
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