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associated with

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Linked with or related to something or someone.

Beispiele für in einem Satz

Hurricanes may be associated with sunspots
CBS Sports' Grant Wahl: Skyline Chili 'worst food associated with a city' he's experienced
Hören Sie CBS Sports' Grant Wahl: Skyline Chili 'worst food associated with a city' he's experienced Aussprache
Outbreak Associated With SARS-CoV-2 B.1.617.2 (Delta) Variant in an Elementary School
Hören Sie Outbreak Associated With SARS-CoV-2 B.1.617.2 (Delta) Variant in an Elementary School Aussprache
Unstable housing, homelessness associated with COVID-19 re-infection
Hören Sie Unstable housing, homelessness associated with COVID-19 re-infection Aussprache
Biogen says Aduhelm lowers levels of second protein associated with Alzheimer's
Hören Sie Biogen says Aduhelm lowers levels of second protein associated with Alzheimer's Aussprache
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JYSKE BANK A/S : Transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them
Hören Sie JYSKE BANK A/S : Transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them Aussprache
Transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with themRead more on 'Investegate'
Business Insider Business Insider
Peer coaching focused on building patient autonomy associated with higher levels of patient engagement in diabetes self management
Hören Sie Peer coaching focused on building patient autonomy associated with higher levels of patient engagement in diabetes self management Aussprache
A new study on diabetes self-management found that autonomy-supportive peer coaching is associated with higher levels of patient engagement. The study assessed the characteristics of low-inc..Artikel anzeigen
EurekAlert! EurekAlert!
Lil Yachty No Longer Associated With Crete Just 6 Months After Announcing Launch
Hören Sie Lil Yachty No Longer Associated With Crete Just 6 Months After Announcing Launch Aussprache
Lil Yachty has revealed that he’s no longer associated with the nail polish company Crete just six months after he announced the launch of the brand.
Yahoo Yahoo
Flexible sigmoidoscopy screening associated with long-term reduction in colorectal cancer incidence and mortality
Hören Sie Flexible sigmoidoscopy screening associated with long-term reduction in colorectal cancer incidence and mortality Aussprache
A parallel randomized controlled trial confirmed that a single flexible sigmoidoscopy screening at age 55 to 64 years represents a safe and effective strategy associated with a substantial r..Artikel anzeigen
EurekAlert! EurekAlert!
Costs associated with obesity may account for 3.6% of GDP by 2060
Hören Sie Costs associated with obesity may account for 3.6% of GDP by 2060 Aussprache
A study finds that the costs associated with obesity are likely to account for an average of 3.6% of a country's gross domestic product (GDP) by 2060.
Medical News Today Medical News Today
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