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IPA und Lautschrift
IPA : əˈneksɪŋ
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Lautschrift von annexing

verb uh-neks

Bedeutungen für annexing

It is a verb that can be defined as taking control of another country by a force.
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Beispiele für in einem Satz

Israel "illegally annexing" east Jerusalem, EU reports
Hören Sie Israel "illegally annexing" east Jerusalem, EU reports Aussprache
Here he was successful in obtaining the restitution to the pope of the Marches (Ancona, Treviso and Fermo) and Legations (Bologna, Ferrara and Ravenna), but he failed to prevent Austria from annexing the ancient papal possessions on the left bank of the Po and obtaining the right to garrison Ferrara
Party then by its agents prepares and presents its case in a narrative or argumentative form, annexing thereto all relevant documents.
But in 1366 Tvrtko overcame all opposition at home, and forthwith embarked on a career of conquest, recapturing Hlum and annexing part of Dalmatia.
Napoleon sought to push matters to an extreme, and on the 2nd of April Annexa- he adopted the rigorous measure of annexing to the tion of the kingdom of Italy the papal provinces of Ancona, Papal Urbino, Macerata and Camerina.
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