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IPA und Lautschrift
IPA : əˈlaɪənsɪz
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Lautschrift von alliances


Bedeutungen für alliances

It is the plural noun for "alliance," which is defined as a union or affiliation formed for collective gain, particularly between countries.

Synonyme für alliances

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Beispiele für in einem Satz

A conflict between Corcyra and Corinth, the second and third naval powers of Greece, led to the simultaneous appearance in Athens of an embassy from either combatant (433) Pericles had, as it seems, resumed of late a plan of Western expansion by forming alliances with Rhegium and Leontini, and the f
The Bernese often interfered with the internal affairs of Geneva (while Calvin, a Frenchman, naturally looked towards France), and refused to allow the city to conclude any alliances save with itself.
They made alliances with the strangers to aid them in their intestine wars, and the annalist writing in later years (Annals of Lough Ce) describes with pathetic brevity the change wrought in Ireland: Earl Strongbow came into Erin with Dermod MacMurrough to avenge his expulsion by Roderick, son of T
Hören Sie They made alliances with the strangers to aid them in their intestine wars, and the annalist writing in later years (Annals of Lough Ce) describes with pathetic brevity the change wrought in Ireland: Earl Strongbow came into Erin with Dermod MacMurrough to avenge his expulsion by Roderick, son of T Aussprache

Übersetzungen von alliances

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Antonyme für alliances

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