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IPA und Lautschrift
IPA : əˈbrɪʤ
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Bedeutungen für abridge

abridged version
Delete some parts of one and shrink it.
reduce in scope while retaining essential elements

Synonyme für abridge

Antonyme für abridge

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Beispiele für in einem Satz

Sen. Judiciary Committee Endorses Amendment to Abridge Free Speech
Chris Matthews: Republicans Violate 26th Amendment And 'Abridge' Youth ...
Immediately afterward he was a member of a commission appointed to revise the laws in force in the state; to select, abridge, alter and digest them, so as to be accommodated to the present government.
So little was the collection considered as a literary work with a definite text that every one assumed a right to abridge or enlarge, to insert ideas of his own, or fresh scriptural quotations; nor were the scribes and translators by any means scrupulous about the names of natural objects, and even
The evils attendant on this system were found to be so great that the Pluralities Act 1838 was passed to abridge the holding of benefices in plurality, and it was enacted that no person should hold under any circumstances more than two benefices, and this privilege was made subject to the restrictio
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